Hello Church,
At this writing, the sun is shining brilliantly, but there is a definite chill that remains in the air. As we journey through these final weeks of winter, the days gradually will grow longer, and the first hints of our desert spring season will begin to emerge. It is this transition that reminds us that even in the midst of uncertainty and change, God is always at work, bringing renewal and new life.
Life often feels unpredictable, doesn’t it? We face seasons of change that challenge our hearts and test our faith. Circumstances shift, plans fall apart, and the future can feel unclear. Yet, scripture reminds us again and again that God is steadfast, our refuge and strength, a constant presence even when the world seems to waver.
As we move toward spring, the season of new life, we will soon be entering the Lenten season—a time of reflection, renewal, and preparation. Lent invites us to journey with Christ, to consider the sacrifices He made for us, and to place our hope in the promise of His resurrection.
Just as the barren winter gives way to blooms and vibrant life here in the desert, Lent closes with Easter, when death is defeated and life triumphs forever.
In times of change and uncertainty, it’s easy to let fear creep in. But God’s Word is filled with assurances of provision and promises for God’s people. In Matthew 6:26, Jesus reminds us of God’s care: “Look at the birds in the sky; they don’t sow seed or harvest grain or gather crops into barns. Yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than they are?”
As we anticipate the arrival of spring, let us hold fast to the truth that God is faithful to provide for us in every season. That God’s promises are sure, and God’s provision is abundant. Always, always remember that God’s love for us is unfailing.
May we move into this season with hearts full of hope, confident that the same Creator who holds the changing seasons is the same One who holds us.
With love and blessings,
Pastor Lesli